This is an old revision of the document!
Devices we have on hand at the space. Not a complete list. To add newly acquired tools, use the Tool Submission Form.
Electronics Equipment:
Fab Lab-style Equipment:
- MaxNC CNC machine
- HP DesignJet 24“ inkjet plotter
- Monoprice MP Select Mini 3D Printer
- Shapeoko CNC router
Homebrewing Equipment:
Machine Shop/Metalworking Equipment:
Miscellaneous Shop Equipment:
Textile-working Equipment:
Welding/Forging/Casting Equipment: (NOTE: All of this equipment must be used outside, per Fire Department rules)
Woodworking Equipment:
Tools that need some attention: Fixme List
Not actually Equipment, but useful information:
- ToolFormTemplate - backend template for applying Tool Submission Form information (don't edit unless you know what you are doing!)
- ToolMailTemplate - backend template for mailing tool information in CSV format for spreadsheet inclusion
- Equipment Template - Deprecated, but useful for things that have been promoted from Projects - use the Tool Submission Form for new equipment.
equipment.1521642748.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/03/21 14:32 by sdh7