This is an old revision of the document!
HP 5036A Microprocessor Lab
Name | HP 5036A Microprocessor Lab |
Owner | Makers' Alliance |
Location | Electronics |
Training needed | No |
Hackable | Yes |
Model | Hewlett-Packard |
Serial | N/A |
Arrival Date | 5/24/2022 |
Working | Yes |
Contact | Sam Harmon |
Current Status: Fully Functional
We received eight of these microprocessor trainers on 5/24/2022.
Unfortunately, they did not include any copies of the companion book (“Practical Microprocessors”) or the Service Manual.
We did find the assembler code for the ROM, which is helpful for running the ROM demo programs.
- 04F8 - Conveyor Belt Controller
- 053E - Well-Tempered Microprocessor (plays random tones) (tested successfully)
- 055A - Squirrel Feedback Shift Register Display
- 0559 - Organ (plays tones from keys)
- 05F9 - Rocket Blast Off (tested successfully)
- 0662 - Stopwatch
- 06C2 - Snake Paddle game (how does this work? keys or do you need some kind of paddle?)
- 07F0 - Lesson 3 Counter Program
- 0800 - Default Program Counter Location (I guess your own programs would start here?)
To run these programs, press RESET, FETCH ADRS, (enter the 4 character address), and RUN.
hp_5036a_microprocessor_lab.1653488238.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/05/25 14:17 by sdh7