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HP 1660CS Logic Analyzer and Oscilloscope

The HP 1660CS is a logic analyzer and oscilloscope.

There are PS2 keyboard and mouse ports on the back, but can also be controlled with the buttons on the front.

To power on, verify it has a power cord plugged in and any power strip that's plugged into is turned on. The push the button “Line” that's near the bottom of the front panel.

When powered on, the main functions can be selected with the on-screen button in the upper left. All on-screen buttons can be selected with the mouse cursor or keyboard and Enter key, but also the front panel arrow and Select buttons.

The two functions documented here can be selected from this menu, they are Scope for the oscilloscope, and Analyzer.

The button to the right of the main function button is a context dependent menu. These can also be directly select with the front-panel buttons in the Menu area. The white labels are when in Scope mode, black labels are for when in Analyzer mode.



When Scope mode is selected

Logic Analyzer

For signals that are digital, the logic analyzer can be used to, well, analyze them.

It uses the “pods” that are the ribbons of wires connected from the back.

hp_1660cs_logic_analyzer_and_oscilloscope.1553646792.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/03/27 00:33 by faehnrich

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