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Creality LD-002R

Name Creality LD-002R
Owner Makers' Alliance
Location 3D Printing
Training needed Yes
Hackable No
Arrival Date 10/18/2022
Working Yes
Contact Sam Harmon

Current Status: Fully Functional

This is a Creality LD-002R SLA 3D Printer.

Unlike the Monoprice SLA, this printer requires external slicing software. Some available options are:

  • Chitubox (requires signup to download/use)
  • Mango3D Lychee (requires signup to use)
  • PrusaSlicer can also be used (claiming the printer is an SL1), but you would have to post-process its output with uv3dp, as described in this reddit post.
  • Zortrax's Z-Suite might also be used to slice in conjunction with uv3dp to convert the file to a .ctb.

As of right now, there's also no way to automatically send a print to the printer. Slice it to the USB stick and then put the stick in the printer. At some point in the future, we may set up a dedicated Pi or Pi Zero 2 with the Octoprint-Chituboard plugin (it has to be wired directly to the printer's motherboard, so we can't use the Octoprint Farm computer)

creality_ld-002r.txt · Last modified: 2022/11/16 19:17 by sdh7

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