Title: Build an LM386 Amplifier
Class Size: 5
Cost: $20 (estimated)
Pre-requisites: none
Minimum Age: XX and up (under 18 must have parent present)
Learn to solder an LM386 amplifier.
Order of Build:
1K (brown-black-red)
4.7k (yellow-violet-red)
IC socket
Orientation isn't critical, but should be observed
Note that pin 7 doesn't have a solder pad. No need to solder it.
Ceramic capacitors (C1 & C4, both 0.1 uF)
3.5mm jack
External connection pins
A+/A- (audio input?)
+/- (power) (if using a 9V clip, just solder the clip directly instead of pins, but you'll want to hot glue some strain relief because it will fail eventually, otherwise)
S+/S- (speaker)
Cut the pairs of pins off of the 6-pin strip
Solder in one pin, adjust fit if necessary, and then solder in the other.
LED (D1)
Power jack (J3)
It may be in your best interests to insert the LM386 into the IC socket at this point. The caps & pot make it difficult to insert if present.
Electrolytic capacitors
Cut off the anti-rotation tab
Solder one pin, adjust, solder the other two.
Use two headered wires. cut off headers at one end, and strip the remainder
Solder stripped wires to tabs on speaker
Insert header pins into S+ & S-