=====HP 5036A Microprocessor Lab===== ^Name| HP 5036A Microprocessor Lab| ^Owner | Makers' Alliance | ^Location | Electronics | ^Training needed| No| ^Hackable| Yes| ^Model| Hewlett-Packard| ^Serial| N/A| ^Arrival Date| 5/24/2022| ^Working| Yes| ^Contact| Sam Harmon| Current Status: Fully Functional We received eight of these microprocessor trainers on 5/24/2022. Unfortunately, they did not include any copies of the companion book ("Practical Microprocessors") or the Service Manual. They are still potentially useful as technology demonstrators (i.e. "hey, you soldered a badge- this is what can happen if you scale up from there") We did find the assembler code for the ROM, which is helpful for running the ROM demo programs. - 04D7 - Echo - display input switches to output LEDs - 04E0 - AND Gate Program (lights LED if all input switches are ON) - 04F8 - Conveyor Belt Controller - 053E - Well-Tempered Microprocessor (plays random tones) (tested successfully) - 055A - Squirrel Feedback Shift Register Display - 0599 - Organ (plays tones from keys) - 05F9 - Rocket Blast Off (tested successfully) - 0662 - Stopwatch - 06C2 - Snake Paddle game (how does this work? keys or do you need some kind of paddle?) - 07F0 - Lesson 3 Counter Program - 0800 - Default Program Counter Location (I guess your own programs would start here?) To run these programs, press RESET, FETCH ADRS, (enter the 4 character address), and RUN. Links: * [[http://www.decodesystems.com/5036ALST.TXT|ROM source with addresses]] * [[http://www.decodesystems.com/5036ASM.TXT| ROM source with labels]] * [[https://archive.org/details/practicalmicroprocessors/mode/2up|Practical Microprocessors in Italian]] {{tag>[ needs_details]}}